Wednesday, February 01, 2006

February Resolution: Read a (non-school) book

My January reading was a complete flop. I had even made a charming little chart for myself at the beginning of the month to "organize" my reading: School, Fiction, Religious, and Other. I carefully listed books under each category as my goals for the month. And I really tried not to overwhelm myself. I know from the past the absolute futility of my trying to create and then read a grand list of books (and the lovely guilt that results!). But except for the "School" category, my reading this month was rather pathetic.

To be fair, I did read Huckleberry Finn, Our Town, The Glass Menagerie, and most of the Aeneid. But in a very real sense, that's my job and I really wanted to do more than just reading for work. I started A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth, a huge novel set in 1960s India, which is really good -- at least the 160 pages that I've read are really good (which means I have only 1,314 pages left). And I read the first part (out of four parts) of The Incomparable Christ by John Stott. And I'm continuing to inch my way through The Art of Biblical Narrative by Robert Alter.

I discussed this topic today with another English teacher as we graded our exams. We both have the same tendencies to immediately turn to a TV show or movie as our standard form of relaxation, telling ourselves that we "read all the time" for work. But as I look back over the month, it's somewhat discouraging that I didn't complete a non-school book. So for February, I'm determined to get back to reading for personal pleasure and profit.

(And I'd love to hear about your reading struggles and solutions!)


Blogger Megan said...

Solution: don't go to school! :-)

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right now, I'm sad because I have so many books that I'm reading and no classes to teach.

Oh well. One day and a time. I think I should make a book chart too. I think it will help me stay on track. My problem is I read so many books at a time instead of staying with two or three. It slows the whole process down, and even with my memory for books it can become taxing.

3:11 PM  
Blogger Melodee said...

Hi Andrea. I found you in a roundabout way through Marla's Godblogroll. Anyway, I try to read everyday while I ride a recumbent bike. Kills two birds with one stone. And I'm enthusiastic about keeping track of my books on

7:49 PM  

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